My Student Journey

This is where I'll post about my education at Quest.

Holiday Artwork


Whew boy. Ok so this project is 295 lines of code and I only got about 3/5 of the way done with this. The premise of this artwork is that it asks you what holiday you celebrate during the winter, and the answers I put as options were: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and “I don’t celebrate anything”. The pictures you would get would vary depending on your answer.

This is what you would get if you asnwered Christmas.
This is what you would get if you answered Hanukkah.
I never finished this one, but if you answered Kwanzaa you would get a kinara.
And if you answered “i don’t celebrate anything” you would get a snowman but I never got around to finishing this.

The thing that I struggled with the most in this project was the Christmas trees. I still am not completely happy with how they turned out, seeing as they sometimes overlap, but oh boy it could have been a LOT worse. At one point, the trees were all upsidedown, the trunks were part of the leaves, and for some weird reason, the background kept filling up green instead of the leaves of the tree. Overall, I’m proud of this project, and what I was able to accomplish. I wasn’t able to finish the rest because of time, not because I didn’t know how to do it, and because of that, I feel like this project was a success.

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Turtle Maze Challenge


This was by far the hardest challenge I’ve ever done with coding. (To be fair this is my first year doing any coding, but still). The premise of the challenge is that you have to get the turtle to go through the maze every single time you run it. The catch is, the maze is randomized and changes every time. The holes are in different spaces and are different widths each time. I struggled so long with this it’s not even funny. Sadly, I was not able to complete the challenge, because my turtle does not go through the whole way every time. For some reason, sometimes on the last part of the maze, it goes through the wall instead of the hole. I don’t understand why, because the code for that part shouldn’t be any different than the code for the rest of the maze but whatever. The thing that I’m sad about is that I made the turtle do unnecessary movements, (as you can see with the extra lines always going back to the left side of the maze). Given more time on this project, I would have not given up until I figured out a way to do it without the extra lines, but alas I didn’t have more time.

Example of failed turtle maze
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Turtle Race


For this assignment, we had to make at least 4 turtles race each other and the winner had to random each time. I ended up having 69 lines of code.

Most of the code I had were just setting up the variables, like the colors, names of the turtles, size, and shape. The part above is the actual code to make the turtles go. As you can see, every time they move forward, it’s a random amount between 1-5. You can change the range so it could be between any two numbers, but depending on the range you would have to change how many times it repeats. Not all the turtles always finish, but thats a small adjustment to make.

There was nothing in this assigment that I struggled with, I pretty much got the basics the first day, I just played with the color and shape.

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Inspired Turtle Art Work


This is the artwork that I made after I was inspired by Sunrise and Rainbow, which were two pieces of Turtle Art artwork. The fireworks were inspired by sunrise. I used the pattern differently for the fireworks though, as it was intended to be a sun. The rainbow was something I had just wanted to add so I could use all of the colors.

I played around a lot with colors and hues in this project. Before this, I had just used the basic colors and hadn’t changed the shades or hues. It was also my first time making brown, which was a bit of a struggle but I was able to get it by setting the hue of a yellow to almost black. The greens were also quite a bit of a challenge. The main reason I made it nighttime because I wanted the greens that weren’t part of the rainbow to be darker so they didn’t just blend into each other.

The fireworks were probably the hardest thing to get right. I originally wanted to make the lines straight with no bends but then I realized that it wouldn’t look realistic so I added bends. It was hard to get the bends in the lines big enough so they were noticed but not too big. I had to do a lot of trial and error so I could find the right mix.

The code for this was extremely long. Here is the main block of code. I’m not going to put it all because it would be way too long.

Here’s the link to the project so you can view the whole code.

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My Name in Turtle Art


This was an assignment for CSAI, and it was fun! We had to create our name in Turtle Art and we could add whatever creative twist we wanted! I had a lot of fun with this assignment, even though I had some struggles. The most annoying struggle was when I couldn’t get the O’s to line up the way I wanted them to, no matter what I tried with the code. Eventually, I realized I had misplaced a forward block in the wrong spot and it was messing up the whole code. I was really annoyed that I had missed that simple mistake and I had spent 20 minutes struggling with it. Even if I struggled with some simple things, I still enjoyed this very much and I’m pleased with how it turned out!

1st Turtle Art Project


This isn’t ACTUALLY my first turtle art project, but it’s the first one that I spent a lot of time on. It might not look like much, just a small house that’s rainbow colored, but it was mt first time successfully having the colors change for each shape. It took awhile, and more than a few mistakes, but I was able to get it in the end. The code is probably longer than it needs to be, but I was able to block it off relatively well. Over all, I am really proud of how this project turned out!

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About Me


Hi! My name is Zoe and I’m a student at Quest Academy! Here’s where I’ll tell you some interesting things about myself!

I love the Percy Jackson series and I am deep into the fandom. I joined about a year ago when I got the books for my birthday. I finished within a week. The series has and will always be my favorite, as I’ve shared some great moments with my friends talking about the books. I loved the series so much I finished reading all the other series written by Rick Riordan and I’m eagerly awaiting the next book that’s going to come out in October!

Speaking of books, I’m also a writer. Right now I’m working on one book, but I have lots of ideas for others. I’ve always wanted to be an author, even though I’m not a big fan of language arts. The thing that probably got me into writing the most was the Nanowrimo Young Writers contest, which my teacher made us do in 5th and 6th grade. The book I writing right now is just a test, to see if I can finish a complex story and not drop it halfway through. My goal is to finish the book by the end of 2020, and I know if I stop procrastinating I’ll probably finish it. But no promises.

Another thing I should probably mention is that I’m a ride or die Cubs fan. I grew up with baseball surrounding me, watching it every night when it was on, going to weekend games, and wearing my Baez jersey every time I go over to my White Sox loving friend’s house. I remember the day after the Cubs won the world series back in 2016, everyone in my school spent the first 30 minutes just singing “Go, Cubs, Go!” as loud as they could. My parents went to one of the World Series games when they played in Chicago but didn’t take me. I honestly have no clue why and I’m STILL mad about it.

I’m also a big sports person. I watch football whenever I can, along with basketball and baseball. I also play soccer, basketball, softball, and volleyball. I just made the national team for Sky High volleyball. I’m stoked because it’s a big opportunity. I grew up with volleyball, seeing as both my parents played it. They always brought me to weekend torments or late night games. Even before I started playing competitively, I always bumped or set with my parents. Volleyball is the sport I’m hoping to play in college, so I hope I’ll improve greatly by then.

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